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Applications for the 2024 National Clinical Impact Awards round have now closed. Updates will be sent to applicants and employers as we move through the stages of the process, and outcomes are expected to be communicated in early 2025.

Are you an NHS consultant who goes above and beyond in your work? Does your work inspire others and have a positive impact on the NHS at a national level?

The National Clinical Impact Awards [NCIAs], previously the National Clinical Excellence Awards, are prestigious awards, granted to some of the NHS’ most senior clinicians via an annual competition. The awards seek to recognise the unique and specialised role that NHS consultant doctors, dentists and academic GPs play and the impact of their work on the NHS at a national level.

We want to ensure the scheme is fully reflective and representative of this diversity and therefore encourage applications from all consultants who believe they meet the criteria; More information and guidance on the awards can be found on the ACCIA website under Application guidance

If you have any questions please contact the ACCIA Secretariat on 020 7972 4608 or by emailing us about awards in England or emailing us about awards in Wales